
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Fight Gone Bad 6 at King CrossFit!

Fight Gone Bad 6 at King CrossFit!

I did not plan on participating in Fight Gone Bad 6 last Saturday because of my impromptu trip to Seattle (though I did originally registered to do it at CFSC/MV).  When my parents told me my arrival time in Seattle conflicted with my brother's scheduled move-in time, I considered otherwise.  I have already been to Seattle and done all the touristy things.  My flight got in quite early.  I asked my friend to pick me up, but he's notorious for waking up late.  Since my parents were not able to pick me up from the airport and since I wanted to give Devon some extra sleep time, I decided to do FGB at the nearest CrossFit box to the airport!

Right upon arrival at the Seattle-Tacoma airport, I caught a cab to King CrossFit in Renton, WA.  I made it just in time for the 9am FGB heat!

King CrossFit had this event very well organized.  Warm up on your own.  They had one heat every 30 minutes from 9-11am.  Also, everyone had judge!
  • Warm-up: on your own!  Unfortunately, I could only get in a couple stretches since I literally got there at 9.
  • Fight Gone Bad:  In this workout, you move from each of the five stations after a minute.  This is a five-minute round which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating.  We've used this in 3 and 5 round versions.  The stations are:
    • Wall-ball: 20# ball, 10ft. target (reps)
    • Sumo Deadlift High-Pull, 75# (reps)
    • Box Jumps: 20" box (reps)
    • Push Press, 75# (reps)
    • Row (calories)
    The clock does not reset or stop between exercises.  On call of "rotate," the athlete/s must move to the next station immediately for good score.  One point is given for each rep, except on the rower where each calorie is one point.

    I did it in this sequence: wall ball, row, push press, box jumps (games standard), SDHP.  My score was 286.  A bit lower than what I normally score, but I'll take it!  Especially after waking up at 4am, hopping on a plane, and WODing right after!
Saturday's class was different compared to the typical class, as it was a special event.  To get a better idea of the classes and the community, I talked to a few trainers and members after the WOD.

Some things I really liked here:
  • Sweet new location!!  Apparently it is at least 3x larger than the previous location!  The layout is pretty cool.  It's mostly rubber but their is a large fake-grass area.  The equipment looks new (or very, very well maintained).  The location is so new that their Grand Opening event is this Saturday, September 14th!
  • So CLEAN, probably one of the cleanest boxes out there!  Had to put this as a big plus.
  • The fake grass cool-down area.  Most of the flooring here is rubber, but there is a large area of fake grass for stretching, mobility, cooling-down, collapsing after a WOD, hanging out and such.  I wish we had this!!
  • Multiple instructors per class.  There are at least 2 instructors per class, and even up to 6 for the extra popular evening classes!  Tons of attention!
  • Tight, very friendly community.  I met almost everyone who showed up at 9am and talked story with a few after FGB.  During the WOD, Matt, my score keeper, kept me motivated and did little things such as turning on my rower and loosening the feet buckles.  The trainers and members were also pushing and encouraging everyone.  People are really sweet.  I felt very welcomed!
  • Lots of clinics.  There was a running clinic at 10am!  From talking to the members, there seems to be a lot of clinics quite frequently.  
  • Lots of community events, from special CrossFit events like this, to mudslides, to football nights!  That's one of the reasons why they have a large TV in the waiting area!  They also own a grill!
  • Nice, clean bathrooms (multiple stalls) and showers.  They also have a cold water fountain, refrigerator and even microwave! 

Some things that could use improvement:
  • Calendar tab on the website.  I heard about the events and clinics from the fliers at the gym and from talking to some trainers and members.  I then went to search for the clinics online and had a hard time finding information on them.
  • Perhaps a Sunday class, and an additional evening class since they are so popular!

Some pictures:
2. Front entrance to King CrossFit.

3. Waiting area and such.

4. Ropes on the grass!

5. Running clinic participants stretching on the grass!

6. Part of the pull-up area, parallettes, bench, and more ropes!

7. Getting ready for FGB. 

8. Running clinic in session.

9. Burpeesssssssssss.

10. 9am FGB crew!

Overall a great box with legit trainers and awesome members!  Next time I would love to attend a normal class!

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