Last weekend I took a trip down to LA to visit Eugene. While in town, I made time to get a WOD in at Valley CrossFit since I had such a blast last time! My expectations were exceeded! They are still one of my favorite boxes to visit ever.
- Warm-up: 3 rounds: 200m run, cat crawl on the balance beams; cargo net and wall climbs
- Four-person team workout. As a team, complete:
- 400m team run
- 225 Thrusters 45#
- 300 Burpees
- 400m partner carry
I had a ton of fun, tried some new things for the first time, meet some new people, and walked out with a few more tips and tricks up my sleeve. The warm up took me out of my comfort zone. It was my first time on the balance beam, climbing a 6-foot wall and cargo net, and doing a partner carry!
Just a few things I learned:
Just a few things I learned:
- How to effectively 'climb' a balance beam. The trick is to keep the center of gravity low and balanced by doing a "cat walk." Knees almost to the beam, stretched out, and leading with the arms. I seem to have a very difficult time doing this.
- Cargo net climb: For more stability, grip on the vertical axis. Don't get too ambitious and make excessively high steps.
- Different ways to climb a 6' wall. Charging at it vs. jumping and pulling myself up.
- Translating the active shoulders and hollow rock position from the rings to the pull-up bar. Thanks Kris!
- New muscle-up cue: BOOM!!! Thanks Kris again!
- And for people with small feet (< size 6) who have a hard time finding shoes for CrossFit, Nike Eclipse 2. Thanks for the recommendation, Trixie!!
Some pictures: I stole some off of Facebook. Thanks for taking pictures, Mike!
3. Better. The cat walk.
8. Hand was good enough for light thrusters. I started wearing wrist wraps after injuring it (lol another accessory).
9. Final standings.
10. Our awesome team of ladies: Angela (from CF Virtuosity), Mike as Nicole, me, and Karine!
11. Kris and I... thanks for helping me a bunch with my muscle ups!!
12. Some open gym action.. next time I want to try this!!
9. Final standings.
10. Our awesome team of ladies: Angela (from CF Virtuosity), Mike as Nicole, me, and Karine!
11. Kris and I... thanks for helping me a bunch with my muscle ups!!
12. Some open gym action.. next time I want to try this!!
After class, during open gym, I got to meet Kris Clever!! She was so sweet and such a great teacher! Kris gave me some of the most useful muscle-up advice and helped me a bunch with my technique! Thank you so much, Kris! Much appreciated!
I missed some of the other ladies again. Next time! You know I'll be back!
Additional Visits: 07-12-2012 (new location) | 07-28-2011