
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

TGU, New Coach, and Bets

Brandon doing a 104.5lb turkish get-up with me!!!

Last week at the gym was quite eventful!  Brandon did his first human turkish get-up with me, I met our new coach Pat Barber, PRed my consecutive strict muscle up count to 8, and lost a couple WOD bets.  For those who haven't heard yet, Pat is back from New Zealand and he will be running Norcal CrossFit Saratoga with his fiance, Taz!!  

Now for the meat of the post: bets, bets, bets.  I noticed I am more driven by mini, day-to-day competitions with close friends than by large competitions.  So working out next to a close friend gives me that extra push.  To spice things up a bit, I made two different bets with Colin and Sally last Tuesday.  Both bets were based on WOD performance that day with the prize being savory (clean) food.

Last Tuesday morning went something like this: 5/3/1 Bench Press, Tuesday's programmed WOD (bet with Colin), 5/3/1 supplemental work, Fran (bet with Sally).

Bet 1. The bet with Colin was based on last Tuesday's WOD.  Loser buys lunch.  The WOD was: 4 rounds for time:
  • 25 Box Jumps 24"/20"
  • 20 Kettlebell Swings 1.5/1pood
  • 15 calorie Row
  • 10 Strict Pull-Ups
  • 5 Handstand Push-Ups
Unfortunately, I lost the bet by approximately 30 seconds (damn row!).  Hence we had four orders of delicious Korean BBQ for lunch... on me.

2. Hello meattttttttttttttttttt!

Bet 2 (1 hour later).  The bet with Sally was kind of the opposite.  Since we both predicted the other person would be faster, we agreed on: winner bakes loser a batch of Primal Energy Bars.  That way, we both win!  Our bet was based on Fran.  We have been talking about doing a Fran-off for awhile.  Sally is a barbell beast and well, supposedly I can do pull-ups.  This was our first time doing Fran, and also conveniently around Sally's first CrossFit anniversary!  Fran is: For time: 21-15-9:
  • Thrusters 95#/65#
  • Pull-Ups
I was faster at Fran this time so I owed her some freshly baked Primal Energy Bars.  I think I prefer this style of bet.

2. Giving Sally a batch of Primal Energy Bars made by yours truly.

3. New coach Pat Barber and I!

So in a way, I got double pwned on the bets, but it's all good.  I'm having fun!  So if anybody wants to have a WOD-off, let me know!  Also, major props to Brandon on the TGU and I look forward to taking some classes at our new 25k sqft box in Saratoga with Pat and Taz!